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HNBA MD Discussed the Dynamic HR Practices of HNBA & HNBGI

The  „peoplefactor‟of  an  organization  with  no doubt    is itsgreatest    strength,    making    its management crucial    in    a    highly    competitive industry  such  as  Insurance. HNB  Assurance  PLC (HNBA)and    its    fully    owned    subsidiary    HNB General Insurance Limited (HNBGI)has deployed a Human Resourcestrategyfor   its   staffwhich focuses  onenriching  the  life  of  its  employees,both throughenhancing quality of time at work as well as providing for greater work-life balance. Sharing views on the Human Resource strategy, Managing Director/CEO of HNBA and HNBGIMr.Deepthi  Lokuarachchi  stated,  “The  Human  Resource  strategy  is  akey success  driverof  any  organizationand  it  is  believed  that  the  Human  Resource function adds a great deal of value to the corporationandthe „people factor‟provides for  greater stability  of  the  business  as  well  as  superior  organizational  performance.Cherished   Human   Resource   practices   could   result   in   a   pool   of   competentand dedicated employees.The  Grouppays  great  emphasis  on  its  recruitment  strategy  as well as in retaining its employees. As a Group with over 900 employees,the Strategic Human Resource practices extendbeyond the standard Human Resource practices, to help   our   staff   and   their   families   fulfill   their   aspirations   and   dreams.Extensive measures  are  taken  in  order  to  create  acontemporary  organization culturewith augmented valuesas well asasupport mechanism toenable one to go forthin one‟s career.” Speakingfurther Mr. Lokuarachchi added“The Group has an „opendoor‟ policy where employees  could  access  the  top  management concerningany  matter.  Continuous learning  and  development  is  encouraged  throughout  each  tier  of  the organization. The  Group  envisions creating  charismatic  leaders  andhas  invested  its  resources  in talent  management  and  talent  development  which  helps  in  building  competencies and   skills   within   employees.   As   part   of   the   Human   Resource   strategy,   training programs  are  conducted  on  a monthly  basis  focusing  onprofessionalas  well  as personaldevelopment of employees.These programs rangefrom personal grooming to  professional  training to  workshops  on  striking  the  right  work-life  balance  and healthy  living.A  case  in  point  here  is  the  workshop  that  was  held for  staff  on  the prevention of Dengue and H1N1 as well as a workshop to help individuals understand what  measures  should  be  takeninorderto spend the golden eve of one‟s life in a happy  and  a  healthy  manner. These  workshops  were  conducted  byDr.  Shiromi Maduwage and Dr. Sameera Sennanayake ofthe  College of  Community  Physicians of Sri  Lanka.The  Group  identifies  the  true  potentialofeach  staff  member  and  set  in place   a   compensation   scheme   which   has   both   monetary   and   non-monetary components. The  Group  constantly  encourageemployees  in enhancingleadership roles  and  in  empowering  employees  by  creating  additional  tiers  in  the  managementhierarchyto allow career progression. In addition, the Group has taken a step forward in   implementing   advanced   Human   ResourceInformationsystems and   reward schemes”.

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HNB Assurance Life Campus Partners with Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing to Elevate Training

HNB Assurance PLC entered a strategic partnership between its Partnerships Channel’s training arm, Life Campus and the Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (SLIM), marking a significant commitment to professional excellence and transformational learning.The Partnerships Channel at HNB Assurance has been rapidly expanding, positioning itself as a key driver of HNB Assurance’s business growth. With an increasing number of partnerships and a dynamic team dedicated to offering tailored insurance solutions, the need for continuous learning and professional development has never been greater. Recognizing this, the Life Campus was established as a dedicated training hub to equip the Partnerships Channel team including Bancassurance officers and other sales and management staff with the knowledge, skills and industry insights required to excel within its competitive market.This affiliation will offer specialized training programs, workshops and courses tailored to hone skills in sales, customer engagement and marketing, ensuring that HNB Assurance’s Partnership team is at the forefront of industry best practices.This initiative is part of HNB Assurance’s broader commitment to continuous professional development and by integrating the National Body for Marketing, SLIM’s robust training framework into Life Campus, the company is ensuring that its team remains agile, forward-thinking and ready to capitalize on emerging opportunities.

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HNB Assurance Unveils New Customer Service Centre

HNB Assurance PLC has recently relocated its Customer Service Centre to a new, improved location to engage and provide enhanced services, ensuring greater accessibility and seamless customer experience to its valued policyholders.The newly enhanced Customer Service Centre is designed to offer an excellent experience, featuring state of the art facilities and enhanced accessibility. This move aligns with HNB Assurance’s vision to continuously improve its customer engagement, ensuring a superior experience for policyholders and stakeholders alike.Commenting on the opening of the new Customer Service Centre, Mr. Lasitha Wimalaratne, CEO of HNB Assurance PLC, stated, “Customer satisfaction remains at the heart of our business. With this new and improved location, we aim to elevate our service standards by offering a more personalized and convenient experience for our customers.”Echoing similar sentiments, Mr. Dinesh Yogaratnam, Chief Marketing and Customer Experience Officer at HNB Assurance, added, “The move to a new location is a strategic decision to ensure that our customers receive the best possible service. This upgraded centre is equipped with modernized facilities and an inviting atmosphere to create a seamless and hassle-free experience for all who walk through our doors.”HNB Assurance invites all customers to visit the new centre and experience the enhanced service firsthand at No. 46/5 1/1, 1st Floor, Robert Senanayaka Building, Nawam Mawatha, Colombo 02.

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HNB Assurance Partnership Channel sets the stage for 2025 at Partnership Life

HNB Assurance recently concluded its much anticipated Partnership Life 2025 event, a gathering dedicated to recognizing the exceptional contributions of its Partnership Channel in 2024, while outlining its vision for 2025. Last year, the Partnership Channel reached unprecedented heights, achieving a Gross Written Premium (GWP) of over LKR 6.5 billion, a remarkable 31% year-on-year growth. The channel's New Business Premium (NBP) surpassed LKR 1.4 billion, reflecting a stellar 39% increase compared to the previous year.Speaking at the forum Mr. Lasitha Wimalaratne, CEO of HNB Assurance, remarked, "Having witnessed our journey over the past few years and reflecting on our achievements from last year, I can confidently say that we have the strongest or the best Bancassurance channel in the country. As we set our goals for the year ahead, I want to emphasize that our success is built on this incredible team’s dedication, expertise along with the strong support and commitment of our partners. As a company, while we aggressively drive growth, we have also strengthened our processes and infrastructure to enhance efficiency and better support each of you. With this strong foundation, I am confident that we can fully capitalize on the momentum and potential while together, through our collective efforts, we will reach even greater heights this year.""Partnership Life 2025 is more than just a celebration, it is a reflection that encapsulates not only the professional journey of our team but supports the well-being of their entire life, hence the name Partnership ‘Life’," said Mr. Sanesh Fernando, Chief Business Officer – Partnership Business. “Looking back on the past year, I’m proud to say it was an exceptional one for us, marked by growth across nearly every area of our business. What stands out most is the outstanding achievement of 135 MDRT qualifiers, including 22 COTs and 3 TOTs, which is a testament to the talent and caliber of our team. I must also convey my heartfelt thank you to Hatton National Bank, our other partner banks and broker network for their support. These partnerships are what continues to drive our shared journey towards excellence,” Mr. Fernando added.

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