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A Continuing Partnership; HNB Assurance Join Hands with the College of Community Physicians for the 3rdConsecutive Year

Continuing   its   strategic   partnership for   the   3rdconsecutive   year,   HNB Assurance PLC (HNBA) entered into anMoU  with  the  College  of  Community Physicians  of  Sri  Lanka  (CCPSL).  The primary  objective  of  this  partnership is  to  educate  the  general  public  on  a number   of   topics   related   to   health and wellbeing. Sharing  his  thoughts  on  this  strategic  partnership,  Managing  Director/CEO  of  HNBA and  its  fully  owned  subsidiary  HNB  General  Insurance  Limited(HNBGI),  Mr.  Deepthi Lokuarachchi stated, “with  the  changing  attitude  and  behavior  towards  health  and wellbeing, communities  face  various  health-related  challengesand  threatsin  their day-to-day lives and as a brand committed towards the wellbeing of the community, HNBA  has  taken  various  measuresto  address  these  health  related  concerns  andto propagate  the  concept  of  healthy  living  and  this  strategic  partnership  is  one  such measure to promote the concept of healthy living. Through this partnership wehope to educate communities on a number of topics related to health and wellbeing”. Sharing  her  thoughts  on  the  MoU,  Secretary  of  the  College  of  Community  Physicians of Sri Lanka, Dr. Inoka Suraweera stated “We are extremely pleased to join hands with HNBA, a brand which has travelled an extra mile to propagate the concept of healthyliving. Our environment has a significant impact on our health in  various aspects and the  changes  to  our  environment  including  pollution,  climate  change  and  exposure  to toxic chemicals cause serious threats to human life. And this year CCPSL has outlined a  series  of  programs  island  wide  following  the  theme,  “Healthy  Environment,  A Healthy  Investment for a Healthier Nation”  to create awareness on environmental health and its impact on human life”.  

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HNBA and HNBGI Holds Annual Staff Conference

HNB  Assurance  PLC  (HNBA)  and  it  fully  owned  subsidiary  HNB  General  Insurance Limited  (HNBGI)  held  its  Annual  Staff  Conference  recently  at  BMICH,  Colombo. The event  was  graced  by  the  presence  of  Mrs.  Rose  Cooray,  Chairperson  of  HNBA  and HNBGI as chief guest together with Mr. Deepthi Lokuarachchi, Managing Director/CEO of  HNBA  and  HNBGI  with  members  of  the  Boards  of  HNBA  and  HNBGI  and  other distinguished guests. Speaking  at  this  special  occasion,  Chairperson  of  HNBA  and  HNBGI  Mrs.  Rose  Cooray stated,  “this  year  we  have  come  together  as  one  family  to  celebrate  the achievements, winning spirit and talents of our staff and the Annual Staff Conference of  HNBA  and HNBGI  hold  great  significance  in  our  event  calendar.  It  is  important  to recognize and reward the laudable  efforts and the success of the Group which owes a great deal to the efforts and dedication of our staff and today we stand together to thank  and  appreciate  our  staff  for  their  immense  contribution  to  make  HNBA  and HNBGI solid players in the market”. Speaking on the future outlook of the Group Mrs. Cooray  added  “the  Group  must  strive  to  push  the  envelope  further  in  order  to strengthen its presence in industry and should take all endeavors towards developing its  market share and  rank.  The  two Boards  remain  committed and are confident that this dynamic team would continue to add greater value to all its stakeholders”. Sharing   his   thoughts,   Managing   Director/CEO   of   HNBA   and   HNBGI   Mr.   Deepthi Lokuarachchi stated, “The HNBA Group was able to deliver a solid performance and was able to challenge the industry during 2017 and our growth was fueled by the top-notch performance of our staff at every capacity. Each year we recognize a number of highfliers who have pushed boundaries and are presented with the Chairman’s Award for  Excellence.  Reiterating  the  importance  of  facing  challenges  in  the  market  Mr. Lokuarahchi added “it is important to review and revisit our product  portfolio  as  a mechanism  to  cope  with  the  challenges  of  this  economic  backdrop  as  well  as  to overcome  the  socio-economic  challenges  prevailing  in  the  market  and  with  the
expertise,  competencies  and  the  go-getter spirit of our staff, we’re sure the Group will be able to create an unmatchable competitive advantage and will be able to yield more significant results during this year”.  

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HNBA and HNBGI Pays Tribute to Women on this International Women’s Day

Celebrating the  graceful  spirit  of  womanhood  this  International  Women‟s  Day  and paying  tribute  to  the empowered  woman,  HNB  Assurance  PLC  (HNBA)  and  its  fullyowned  subsidiary  HNB  General  Insurance  Limited  (HNBGI)  announced  the  launch  of „Liya  Harasara‟  for  the  sixthconsecutive   year.This   campaign   will   be   in   force throughout  the  months  of  March  and  April,  offering  a  range  of  special  benefits for every LifeandMotorInsurance Policy obtainedby ladies. Sharinghisviews  onthe  6thedition  ofLiya Harasara, Prasantha Fernando, Chief Operating Officer of HNBA stated, “Womenin     our     society     playsa pivotalrole, showcasing  independence,  confidence  and more  importantly  holdsa  prominent  place in our societyas great leaders, entrepreneurs   and   co-breadwinners.Liya Harasara    is    our    way    of    saluting    and appreciating the graceful spirit of women across thecountry”. Speaking  on thiscampaign,  Chief  Business  Officer  of HNBA,  Ivan  Nicholas  statedthat Liya  Harasara  is  an outcome   of   acombination   of   aunique   range   of benefits and  a  range  of  specialofferings  from HNBA and  HNBGI and  otherleadingbrands  such  asSingerPlus,   Vision   Care,   Durdans   Hospital   and   Nolimit.Speaking  on  the  campaign  offerings  Ivan  Nicholas stated“Liya   Harasara   offers   a   range   of   special benefits for ladies withan additional Life Cover of up toLKR 1 Million with every Life Policy anda pregnancy related Hospitalization Benefit of  up  toLKR 10,000  perday  from  HNBA.  In addition,  Liya  Harasara  offer  ladies  a  free
Personal  Accident  Cover  of  up  toLKR 500,000  for  every  MotorInsurance  policy obtained from HNBGI. The brand has collaboratedwith several leading brandsto offer a  range  of  special  discounts  with  every  Liya  Harasara  Policy.  Women  could  obtain  a discount  of  up  to  10%  for  selected  purchases  from  Singer  Plus  showrooms  Island wide anda discount of 10% for purchases of spectacles, sunglasses andhearing aids from Vision Care showrooms Island wide, a discount of 10% from Nolimit showrooms located island wide andaspecial discount schemefrom Durdans Hospital. Commenting  on  this  editionof  Liya  Harasara,  Chief Business    Officer,    (Personal    Lines    and    Branch Network)   of   HNBGI,   Jude   Benjamin,   extended   his sincere gratitude to Singer Plus, Vision Care, Durdans Hospital  and  Nolimit  for  collaborating  with  HNBA andHNBGI  stating,  “we  are  extremely  pleased  to collaborate  with  leading  brands  such  as  Singer  Plus, Vision  Care,  Nolimit  and  Durdans  Hospital  to  offer  a range  of  special  benefits  and  discounts  to  women across our country”.

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