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A Protection Propositionfor Your Employees from HNBA

HNB  Assurance  PLC  (HNBA) unveiledits  Group  Life  Product,  offering  four  predefined packages that businesses could choose from in providing the financial protection that their staff need. Speaking on the importance of providing a solid platform of  protection  to  employees, Managing  Director/CEOof HNBAand   its   fully   owned   subsidiary   HNB   General Insurance   Limited(HNBGI),Mr.Deepthi   Lokuarachchi stated  “we live  in  a  period  of  time  ofrising  costs  and risks. In  a  tight  economic  backdrop,  small  and  medium scale enterprises(SMEs)find  itchallenging  to  provide solid  formsof  protection  plansfor  their  employeesdue  to  higher  underwritten premiumsor under-evaluating the risk componentassociated.SMEsin Sri Lanka play a major role in today’seconomy  as  it  uplifts  economic  diversification. The  Group  Life product  of  HNBA  is  a  lot  more  than  a  spring  of  protection  for  your  employees.  It provides  a  number  of benefits  to  both  employees  andthe  comfort  of  knowledge  toemployers,that your employees are very well protected.Further, employers areable to benefit from this as a strategic measure in line with its human resource practicesin order  to  cement  and  strengthen  its employee -employer  relationships  as  well  the psychological contract with the organization, as we firmly believe that motivated and happy employees reflects the true values of an organization”. Mr. Prasantha   Fernando,Chief   Operating   Officer   of   HNBA elaborating on this product added “companies could choose from  one  of  the  four  packages  that  we  have  to  offer  that ranges from just providing a basic life cover for one’s staff, to providing an annuity, to offering a comprehensive bouquet of covers   that   include   critical   illness,   disability   cover   and hospital cash”.  

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HNBA and HNBGI Relocate its Galle Branch

Striving  for  excellence  and  delivering  value  to  its  customers  and  stakeholders,  HNB Assurance PLC (HNBA) and its  fully owned subsidiary  HNB General Insurance  Limited (HNBGI) relocated its Galle Branch recently. TheBranch offers a full spectrum of Life, General and Takaful insurance solutions. Speaking  at  the  opening,  Chief  Operating  Officer  of  HNBA,  Mr.  Prasantha  Fernando stated  “The  Company  has  been  expanding  its  Branch  network  across  Sri  Lanka, offering  the  bestprotection  plans  for  individuals  and  families  to  face  the  challenges of  tomorrow.  The  Branch  is  located  in  the  heart  of  Galle  and  offers  a  range  of  Life, General  and  Takaful  Insurance  solutions.  The  Branch  offers  an  interactive  customer experience intertwined with the expertise of our professional Insurance Advisors and staff  helping customers  select the  best  form of  protection for themselves  as  well as their families both in Life and General Insurance”. Expressing his views, Chief Business Officer of HNBGI, Mr. Jude Benjamin stated “We’re indeed thankful to the team led by the   Galle   HNBA   Cluster   Manager   Harishchandra   Rajanayake   and   HNBGI   Cluster Manager  Madusha  Kulathunga,  for  their  dedication  and  support  as  well  as  for  the efficient management of Branch operations and for their customer service excellence which has led the Branch to foster blooming results”. The Branch is located at No. 46/1/1, Colombo Road, Kaluwella, Galle.

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Highfliers Hailed at the 12th HNB Assurance Sales Convention

 HNB Assurance PLC (HNBA) felicitated the bright-sparksof its Sales Force atthe 12thSales Convention held recently at the Hilton Colombo. The eagerlyanticipated night of the Company’s event calendarwas graced by the presence of Mrs. Rose Cooray as Chief Guest, the Board of Directors of HNBA as well as the Management of both HNBA and its fully owned subsidiary HNB General Insurance Limited (HNBGI). Sharing her thoughts on this day of celebration, Chairperson of HNBA and HNBGI Mrs. Rose  Cooray  stated  “Tonight   we   celebrate   the   breakthrough   performance,   the enthusiasm  and  the  go-getter  spirit  of  our  Sales  Force.  The  Sales  Forcehas  been  a significant stakeof   the   Companysince   its    inceptionandhas    delivered   an extraordinary  performance in2016,  immensely  contributing  to the growth  of  the Company. I’m  extremely  pleased atthe  outcome  of  their  commitment,  dedication towards constantly striving to raise the bar further”. Sharing  his  thoughts  on  this celebratorynight,Managing  Director/Chief  Executive Officer of HNBA and HNBGI Mr. Deepthi Lokuarachchi stated “Throughout its journey of   15   years,   the   Company   has showcased   its strength  and  stabilityby  yielding significant results. The Sales Forcehas contributed substantiallyto the growth of the Companybycapturingnew  market  segments, as  well  as  byseizingtheexistingmarketgapsin  a challenging  industry.  Tonight we celebrate  the accomplishmentsof the  crèmeof  the Sales  Forceincluding forty oneMillion  Dollar  Round  Table  (MDRT) qualifiers,one  Courtof  the  Table  (COT) qualifierand  one  Top  of  the  Table  (TOT) qualifierand I’m delighted to laud those individuals who have gonethatextra mile to realize achievements such as these”. Speaking  on  the  performanceand  on  the  future  outlook,  Chief  Operating  Officerof HNBAMr. Prasantha Fernando stated, “The devotion the Sales  Forcehasin  no  small measurehelpedthe Company to growover the years to the stature and stability that it has achieved to date. These results have created a favorable mindset amongst our Sales  Force  in  this highly  competitive  market,  and regardless  ofthe  obstacles,I’m sure  theachievements  of  theSales Forceof  HNBA  willcontinue  to grow  from strength to strengthas a result of their resolve to succeed”. The  12thHNBA  Sales  Convention  honored  225Advisors  under  categories  of  Bronze, Silver,  Gold  and  Super  Gold. Amongst  thosegolden  trophies  were  the  accolades  for theBest  Service  Center,Best  Zonal  Manager,  BestCluster  Manager,Best  Regional Office  Manager,  awards  for  MDRT,  COT  and  TOT qualifiers.  The  top  awardeeof  the nightwasMs. U. K. K. C. Silva who was awarded as the Best Sales Personof the Year. Another  specialty  of  the nightwas  thetokensof  appreciation  presentedto  several artists   of   the golden   era, acknowledging   theircontributionto   enlighten   the entertainment  industry  of  Sri  Lanka.  Accordingly  the  acknowledged  artists  wereMr. Prince Udaya Priyantha, Mr. Berty Gunethilake, Mrs. ChandraniGunewardenaandMr. PiyadasaAthukorala.    

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